Friday, May 4, 2012

Last Post

I would honestly say that I enjoyed Hamlet a lot. I thought the story was very strange and interesting (ghosts, impending war, intense fencing matches, etc.) I was very intrigued throughout most of the play and was truly surprised with the ending and the many other plot twists. I found the characters to be relate-able because haven't we all so desperately sought revenge at some point? I also found Hamlet and Ophelia to be very likable and by the end of the play I really cared about what happened to both of them.
     I'm not completely sure about how I feel about Shakespeare in general. I enjoyed Hamlet as well as Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night's Dream, but I detested Julius Caesar. I think I'll always either like or dislike an individual book/play rather than the entire works of the author. I, however, have no doubt that Shakespeare was a great writer and his plays are very clever, thought-provoking and overall entertaining.
     I really enjoyed watching the movie along with reading the play. It goes without saying that this made the story a lot easier to follow. Also because Hamlet is a play, I find it only appropriate that we see the story instead of just read the story. I enjoyed the interpretation I watched and I liked seeing clips from the other versions of the play in class. I'm interested in seeing the modernized version.
     I thought some of the mini-projects we did for Hamlet we're really fun. I enjoyed the twitter project and I like the re-writing the soliloquy project as well. These gave us a lot of freedom to be creative and give our input and our own personal interpretation of the play. I can't say I enjoyed the blogging. Not because of the project itself but because I'm not a computer savvy person (it took me a long time to figure this out) and I can confidently say that I won't be continuing blogging recreationally. Overall I enjoyed my Hamlet experience and I'm looking forward to the next Shakespeare play I'll read in high school.


Nierah Jinwright said...

I have agree with your opinion on Shakespeare. I am usually NOT big fan of his literary works. But, Hamlet made me view him differently. I'm sure the thorough class discussions and the movie helped with my transforming opinion on his pieces. Totally agree with your blogging opinion. I am not a computer person as well, and it becomes very easy for me to forget assignments when they are not given on paper.

Amy Clark said...

I love that you admit you liked Hamlet because of the revenge factor. I hadn't even considered that - the characters' situations were so far-fetched that it was overwhelming to me. However, I didn't care what happened to Hamlet by the end of the play. He just annoyed me and I thought his death was probably the most humane thing to happen for the people who had to deal with him. Ophelia, on the other hand, I liked. I wish she hadn't died. Or maybe I just like Kate Winslet, who did a phenomenal job acting, especially with the madness.

stw923 said...

Rose, I am (finally) grading the blogs. Thank you for sharing your input with me. I am glad you understood Shakespeare a little bit more.