Monday, January 9, 2012

Colors in Chapter 7

In chapter 7 the color green is used to describe George Wilson's face. Nick says his face was "green in the sunlight." In this chapter I think the color is used to symbolize jealousy. Also in this chapter "Daisy and Jordan lay upon an enormous couch, like silver idols weighing down their own white dresses against the singing breeze of the fans." The white dresses seem to symbolize something different now than they did in the beginning of the book because they are weighing the girls down. Yellow is used to describe Gastby's yellow station wagon and as I said in my last post about colors, yellow symbolizes corruption.


Rachael Ciccone said...

Yes, as Ms. Watkins said in class today, the color yellow continuously represents the corruption portrayed in this book. Gatsby's car can show the overall view on corruption throughout his whole life! Also, I totally agree with the green face represent jealousy.

Anonymous said...

I love how the deeper we go into the novel, the darker the meanings of the colors become. They take on new and different symbolism. And good call on the green representing jealousy!

Kevin Kaderis said...

I like how you used the quote to show how the dresses now symbolized something diffrent. In the start of the story the dresses are light and airy, and now they are heavy and weighing the girls down. What do you think the reason is that the dresses are now weighing the girls down?

JulianaV said...

I also agree that the green represents George Wilson's jealousy: I think he is jealous, and hurt, that someone else is truly making his wife happy. I love Fitzgerald's change of meaning in the girls' white dresses- they how show how corruption can weigh on you.

TimHegedus said...

Yellow is continually seen as corruption. do you think Gatsby's car represents the immorality of the time and the death that follows reckless driving?