Friday, May 4, 2012

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I would honestly say that I enjoyed Hamlet a lot. I thought the story was very strange and interesting (ghosts, impending war, intense fencing matches, etc.) I was very intrigued throughout most of the play and was truly surprised with the ending and the many other plot twists. I found the characters to be relate-able because haven't we all so desperately sought revenge at some point? I also found Hamlet and Ophelia to be very likable and by the end of the play I really cared about what happened to both of them.
     I'm not completely sure about how I feel about Shakespeare in general. I enjoyed Hamlet as well as Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night's Dream, but I detested Julius Caesar. I think I'll always either like or dislike an individual book/play rather than the entire works of the author. I, however, have no doubt that Shakespeare was a great writer and his plays are very clever, thought-provoking and overall entertaining.
     I really enjoyed watching the movie along with reading the play. It goes without saying that this made the story a lot easier to follow. Also because Hamlet is a play, I find it only appropriate that we see the story instead of just read the story. I enjoyed the interpretation I watched and I liked seeing clips from the other versions of the play in class. I'm interested in seeing the modernized version.
     I thought some of the mini-projects we did for Hamlet we're really fun. I enjoyed the twitter project and I like the re-writing the soliloquy project as well. These gave us a lot of freedom to be creative and give our input and our own personal interpretation of the play. I can't say I enjoyed the blogging. Not because of the project itself but because I'm not a computer savvy person (it took me a long time to figure this out) and I can confidently say that I won't be continuing blogging recreationally. Overall I enjoyed my Hamlet experience and I'm looking forward to the next Shakespeare play I'll read in high school.